My guest today is Dr. Sarah Cohen, and she definitely has a unique perspective on her business as a veterinarian serving the Wellington Florida area, her business website for has the description listed under the subtitle team approach, seamless...
As the COVID pandemic struck and international borders closed, I was unable to head South and visit one of my really good accounts in Tampa Bay, Florida. On those occasions when you're unable to tend to some of the horses in your care for any number...
Today I'm speaking with Dr. Alan Manning, MSC DVM. From my early beginnings as a farrier, it was always exciting to run into this gentleman. He is one of those vets who will always work with you on a lameness problem and will never throw you under the...
Welcome, everyone! If it seems like it's been a while, you're right. Fear not though, I've been busy sending microphones all over the world and I'm excited for the guests we will have on in the coming months. A little shopkeeping before we...
In today's episode, I am speaking with Riley Kirkpatrick CF, of Kirkpatrick Forge in Oregon. As you will hear explained in more detail, Riley was strongly recommended to me by a friend of mine as a potential podcast guest. She was not wrong and he did...
In this episode, I am talking with Andrew DeVisser CJF. You will be familiar with Andrew's voice as he has been on the podcast before. Through many conversations we've had over the past year, Andrew and I decided that it would be a really good...
In today’s episode, I had the opportunity to talk with Vern Powell, CJF (TE). Vern is the owner of MVP’s Farrier Service in Marengo, Illinois, USA and has been a farrier for 20 years. He is the chairman of the American Farrier’s Association...
In this episode, I have an amazing conversation with Heather Beauchemin, CJF (TE). Heather shares her experiences regarding certifications, the Cultural Exchange and her time working with Vern Powell CJF (TE) at their farrier practice outside of...
Today I am talking with Mike Mehak CF. Many of you will know Mike from his presence on many of the Farrier Facebook groups including Farrier Q and A. Mike has had a unique journey on his way to becoming a farrier. A lot of the knowledge that he has...
In today's episode, I had the pleasure of talking to Travis Burns. Travis is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech. He is a...
In this episode, I had the opportunity to speak with Daniel Bennett AWCF. Daniel created a new podcast during this COVID pandemic geared towards continued farrier learning and that is how we connected. Daniel got his start as a farrier in a less...
Today I'm speaking with Lori McBride CJF. I can't remember where I first heard of Lori, but I'm guessing it was from one of her biggest fans, who often works with me. After becoming Lori's friend on Facebook a while ago, I started to understand where...
Welcome to the fifth instalment of The Love of Anatomy with Chris Gregory FWCF. This is a spin-off series of short anatomy focussed segments geared to help all of us with future certifications and become better farriers. This information and much more...
Welcome to the fourth instalment of The Love of Anatomy with Chris Gregory FWCF. This is a spin-off series of short anatomy focussed segments geared to help all of us with future certifications and become better farriers. This information and much...
In this episode, I wanted to focus on a cause that's very important to me. With all of the sudden and unexpected challenges, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused. One has it very close to home in my province of Ontario, Canada, the plight of the...
In today’s episode, I talk with Wesley Stewart CF APF-1 all the way from Australia. Right from the beginning, Wesley has been an encouraging supporter of the podcast. We were fortunate to meet in person at the Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati earlier...
Welcome to the third instalment of The Love of Anatomy with Chris Gregory FWCF. This is a spin-off series of short anatomy focussed segments geared to help all of us with future certifications and become better farriers. This information and much more...
In this episode, I am speaking with Betsy Lordan DVM CJF TE (AKA Dr. Danger). Dr Lordan is the first female veterinarian to pass the Certified Journeyman Farrier Examination. Betsy and I met at Heartland Horseshoeing School when she was...
Welcome to the second instalment of The Love of Anatomy with Chris Gregory FWCF. This is a spin-off series of short anatomy focussed segments geared to help all of us with future certifications and become better farriers. This information and much...
In this episode, I had the good fortune to sit and talk with both Craig and Bodie Trnka at the International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati. Craig Trnka, CJF is the founder of the World Championship Blacksmiths, a past president of the American...
In this episode, I had the opportunity to sit down at the International Hoof-Care Summit with Lance Sloman CJF. Lance has been the resident farrier at Spruce Meadows, the world-renowned show jumping venue, for 40 years. He has been shoeing since 1976...
Welcome to the first instalment of The Love of Anatomy with Chris Gregory FWCF. This is a spin-off series of short anatomy focussed segments geared to help all of us with future certifications and become better farriers. This information and much more...
Today I am speaking with Roy Bloom CJF. This interview has been a long time in the works. Dave Farley mentioned that I should interview Roy back when he was a guest on the podcast. At the Summit in Cincinnati, Dave Farley and I worked for three days...
In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Michael Wildenstein CJF FWCF (Hons) at the International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. Thank you to Dave Farley for the introduction. Michael was inducted into the International...