Roy Bloom CJF

Today I am speaking with Roy Bloom CJF. This interview has been a long time in the works. Dave Farley mentioned that I should interview Roy back when he was a guest on the podcast. At the Summit in Cincinnati, Dave Farley and I worked for three days...
Today I am speaking with Roy Bloom CJF. This interview has been a long time in the works. Dave Farley mentioned that I should interview Roy back when he was a guest on the podcast. At the Summit in Cincinnati, Dave Farley and I worked for three days to convince Roy that it would be a good idea to sit down and chat with me for the podcast and I am so grateful that he agreed.
Roy Bloom started his journey in 1971 working for Rick Kreis. Rick encouraged Roy to go to North Texas Horseshoeing Institute. He did and graduated in May of 1973. Roy found the AFA in 1984. He completed his basic Certification in 1985 and Journeyman Certification in 1986. In 1989, Roy was the alternate on the American Farriers Team. In 1990, Roy had a position on the Gold team and the Silver team in 2001. Earning a position on the team changed everything for Roy and since then he has done clinics and classes in 40 states and 4 Canadian provinces. Roy was awarded the Outstanding Educator in 2001 by the AFA. Roy has both judged and presented for the AFA convention several times. Roy has judged competitions nationally and internationally including the WCB Horseshoeing Classic, the Australian Nationals, and the World Champion Blacksmith Competition at the World’s Fair in Calgary, Alberta. Roy was inducted into the Horseshoeing Hall of Fame in 2001. He served as the Team Coordinator from 2009-2002 for the AFA Farriers Team. His journey has produced a great many articles for numerous trade magazines and along with Dave Farley has produced a number of instructional videos. Through many years as a farrier, Roy has perfected his forging skills and is recognized throughout the industry for his blacksmithing, tool production and great attention to detail. Roy is a founding member and served as the 2012 - 2018 Treasurer for the American, Canadian & International Associations of Professional Farriers.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did!