Mike Bagley JIICF, APF-I

Welcome, everyone. Before we get started, I would like to say a special thank you to the gracious sponsor of this episode's Stratum Tectorium. Outwest Design and Fabrication. You can see all of their beautifully made farrier and vet bodies on...
Welcome, everyone. Before we get started, I would like to say a special thank you to the gracious sponsor of this episode's Stratum Tectorium. Outwest Design and Fabrication. You can see all of their beautifully made farrier and vet bodies on full display on their Facebook page. While you're there, maybe just reach out and tell them ~ Thank you for making this episode possible.
Way back in one of the first episodes of the podcast, I had complained to a guest that I was struggling to get my hands on a copy of Chris Gregory's forging book, the one that he had written before his infamous textbook. Shortly thereafter, a stranger I'd never met sent me my own copy. He apparently had two. I've had the great pleasure of meeting this gentleman several times since mostly at the HoofCare Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio where Mike Bagley JIICF, APF-I is a constant fixture at the IAPF's booth in the trade show hall. As you will hear he's a kind and humble man who really wants to give back to the industry that has given him so much.
I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.
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