Everything you wanted to know about the AWCF with Daniel Bennett

Welcome everyone! A little shopkeeping before we start, don't forget to get your tickets for this Saturday's upcoming webinar, Saturday, June 11th with Dr. Simon Curtis and Sarah Logie and it will be on Hoof Horn Infection. With your tickets, you will...
Welcome everyone! A little shopkeeping before we start, don't forget to get your tickets for this Saturday's upcoming webinar, Saturday, June 11th with Dr. Simon Curtis and Sarah Logie and it will be on Hoof Horn Infection. With your tickets, you will get access to the interactive webinar, a full recording of the webinar, afterwards, your questions answered in an open Q and a, a certificate of attendance or CPD or CE points and PDFs of studies, papers, and key takeaways.
Also, if you happen to be in the neighbourhood of Schomberg, Ontario on June 17th from 1 pm to 5 PM - Foot for Thought is hosting a clinic called “Casting Call - Foot Cast Applications for Case Management of Surgical Medical and Podiatry Issues.
The speakers in this one are Dr. Orlaith Cleary, Chris Gerber, Tristan Miles and Elisa Miller. This will be a good one, we haven't been able to have a Foot for Thought event in quite a while. So it will be nice to see everybody there. RSVP to andrea@mpequine.com to attend.
Today I am speaking with my good friend, Daniel Bennett, AWCF. After hearing a couple of episodes where guests and I were discussing the AW exam, Danny reached out and suggested that we might have a few of our concepts a little misconstrued on what is involved in the exam and he wanted to clear that up.
As you will hear, Daniel is coming at this from a very interesting vantage point and his information is current and very helpful. This whole episode was basically Danny's idea and is in the format that you would typically find on his podcast, the Lockdown Farrier Podcast. If you haven't already, you should definitely check it out and subscribe. You will learn a ton. It is very focused on education and Danny has had many guests who are at the forefront of research in our trade.
I am very thankful that Danny took some time out of his fishing vacation on a Sunday afternoon to discuss all things AW, if you are in the midst of preparing for and attempting this exam, I'm sure you will find a lot of the information here very helpful, and it will help dispel a lot of myths. You've probably heard over the years about what is involved. It could even save you from practicing for the wrong things or surprises on exam day. Now, if you're just at the beginning of your certification journey and the AW seems like a daunting far-off goal, please don't disregard this particular episode.
Ever the educator, Danny shares a lot of information about preparing for any exam. There is also a video version of this episode where you can see Daniel’s presentation as well. You can find it HERE
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.