Welcome everyone. This episode comes from me a week after getting back from Vern Powell's brainchild, the Farrier Clinic in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This year, yet again, was an incredible experience with meeting many new friends and getting to...
I met today's guest many years ago in the Heartland, when he was practicing quite a bit with Cody Gregory. More recently, I've run into him a bunch, at Stoneleigh, the AFA convention, and in Calgary at the World Championships. Adam was always so...
Welcome everyone. A little shopkeeping before we start. Dr. Simon Curtis is hosting his last webinar of the year on December 6th. It's called the Hough Rehab Webinar with Marty Sala and Paige Posse. For tickets to this event, go to ...
This episode is being released just a week after I arrived back home from Stoneleigh and Farrier Focus. Once again, England took home first prize but it was incredible to watch the American team come so very close to almost upsetting that victory....
Welcome everyone. At Focus last year, Ben Benson, the president of the BFBA, approached me about doing a few panel discussions. I hope in the future to be able to interview both of these gentlemen separately at some point, Marc Jerram BSc (Hons) Grad...
The conversation you're about to hear occurred at the Focus Convention last year at Stoneleigh at the end of October, it isn't too late to buy tickets for this year's Focus Convention, if you do, stop by the Farriers Foundation booth and buy some swag...
Welcome, everyone. Before we get started, I would like to say a special thank you to the gracious sponsor of this episode's Stratum Tectorium. Outwest Design and Fabrication. You can see all of their beautifully made farrier and vet bodies on...
Welcome, everyone. Well, at this point, the fires have all cooled and the winners have gone home with their medals from the World Championships at Spruce Meadows Masters Tournament in Calgary, Alberta. Today's interview was recorded back at the...
I ran into today's guests at the Hoof Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, where whenever possible they have attended every year as they find continuing education extremely important in their practice. I had first met Connor at this very convention many...
Welcome everyone. I've got a few items in the shopkeeping portion for you here. First of all, the BFBA Focus 2023 tickets are now available for sale. There are live demonstrations as well as a very large trade show. Go to For more details, just...
Welcome everyone, I was introduced to today's guest last year at the AFA convention. Hailey was wrapping up a project that she had done to complete her doctorate in occupational therapy and her research project had some very specific relevance to what...
Welcome everyone. Today's guest, Mike Nale CJF, was one of the really cool folks I got to hang out with in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Every time I've crossed paths with Mike, I've been impressed with his wisdom and his willingness to share it....
Welcome everyone. I hope you're all doing well this busy time of the year. I have a lot to cover today in the shopkeeping portion, but the interview is actually quite short, so I feel like the two will even out in the end. As I said just a few seconds...
Welcome everyone! A little shopkeeping before we start. What are you doing at the end of October this year?I highly recommend that you attend the International Horseshoeing Competition and the British and Blacksmith's Associations Focus Convention at...
Welcome everyone. I've changed the format of the episode a little bit this time for you. This will be a sort of an audio documentary of my trip down to Puerto Vallarta Mexico in December of 2022 with Vern Powell and friends for a clinic that they host...
Welcome everyone! Odds are that if you've taken an AFA certification exam in the past several years, somewhere within the Midwestern US, you've probably run into this gentleman. I met Ward McGuire at both of my exams and several others that I've...
Welcome everyone! A little shopkeeping before we start. Well, spring is here and already a few of my local farrier friends have been injured. Seems to be a thing every year, and it just reminds me to remind the folks that are listening from Great...
So this following interview was done during my time at convention this year. I was visiting with Cody Gregory in the trade show hall as everyone was getting their booth set up, and he introduced me to Conrad. Conrad was getting his Grand Circuit booth...
Welcome everyone, a little shopkeeping before we start. If you haven't already seen it on socials, we now have a merch store, two in fact, one for the US and one for Canada, to make things easier on both sides of the border. I'll leave it to the...
Today's guest was another gentleman that I got to meet whilst over at the International at Stoneleigh, Russell Jones was the judge for the apprentice teams and the individual competition and if taking the piss out of somebody was an Olympic sport, I...
Welcome everyone. I'm coming to you from down in the Heartland where I just spent a week with my fellow farriers learning all we could from Chris and Cody and a special guest, Emilio Giannotti. As always, I met so many great folks down here,...
I met today's guest across the pond as he was preparing with the rest of his American teammates, Team America as Danny Bennett would refer to them, for the International at Stoneleigh. I have to say this gentleman is intimidating when he's got his...
Welcome everyone, we are working on setting up a swag store by the next episode and I will keep you posted on that. We have now set up another way for you to support the production of the show during our time in the booth at. I was reminded that...
Welcome everyone. This episode's release comes just a few days after the final lecture at The Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. As I alluded to in the previous episode, I had a booth set up in the trade show selling shirts to support the podcast, and the...