Bruce Martin CF

As the COVID pandemic struck and international borders closed, I was unable to head South and visit one of my really good accounts in Tampa Bay, Florida. On those occasions when you're unable to tend to some of the horses in your care for any number...
As the COVID pandemic struck and international borders closed, I was unable to head South and visit one of my really good accounts in Tampa Bay, Florida. On those occasions when you're unable to tend to some of the horses in your care for any number of reasons, you're left in that awkward position of not knowing what the person coming in behind you is going to do and what their plan or their vision for their feet is going to be. I did not have those concerns when I found out that they were going to use Bruce Martin. I had met Bruce several times at that account. We actually, as you will hear in the interview, had a chance to spend an afternoon together, just chatting while he was shoeing some horses and we were waiting to catch an Uber and fly out. I knew that my client was in very good hands and I have not been disappointed. Bruce has sent me several photos, keeping me updated on their feet and their progress and his vision was the same as mine. He has done a fantastic job of keeping those horses shod and looking beautiful.
As you will hear in the following interview, Bruce possesses all of the traits of a really good craftsman. He is constantly being self-critical, paying attention to the results of his work, he's ever humble, and he's just an all-around good dude. I'm really glad that we were able to get in touch, do this interview and share some of his insights with you. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.